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Why Natural Gas?

The U.S. has vast natural gas reserves, estimated to be more than a 100-year supply, leading some energy industry experts to refer to the United States as the “Saudi Arabia of natural gas.”


Natural gas (made of methane - CH4) consists of 4 hydrogen molecules and only 1 carbon molecule. Natural Gas Vehicle Fuel eliminates many of the pollutants produced when burning gasoline or diesel. ​


According to the EPA, natural gas reduces carbon monoxide emissions 90%-97%; reduces carbon dioxide emissions 25%; reduces nitrogen oxide emissions 35%-60%; potentially reduces non-methane hydrocarbon emissions 50%-75%; emits fewer toxic and carcinogenic pollutants; emits little or no particulate matter; and eliminates evaporative emissions.  Natural gas is 80% hydrogen, the cleanest-burning substance on the planet.  Gasoline has seven times the carbon and creates much more pollution and carcinogenic toxins. Diesel is far worse!


The U.S. has an extensive infrastructure of underground pipeline systems capable of transporting natural gas from gas wells or from import terminals to over 85% of all U.S. structures. This natural gas system can economically and reliably supply natural gas feed-stock to conveniently-located fueling stations all across the U.S..

Gasoline and Diesel Fuels Are Too Expensive

America transportation infrastructure is constantly dependent on the unstable gasoline and diesel prices.  Our country will come to a standstill if foreign powers choose to increase prices to unsustainable heights. These prices not only affect our cost to refill our gas tanks, but they affect all aspects of our daily life, from the cost of a gallon of milk to the cost to travel across the country. America could be crippled if we do not achieve energy independence.


America’s transportation infrastructure is constantly reacting to unstable gasoline and diesel prices.  Our country will come to a standstill if foreign powers choose to increase prices to unsustainable heights.  Fuel availability not only affects what we pay to refill our gas tanks, they determine what we pay for all goods and services.  More specifically, consider how fuel costs must impact the price of anything that is transported across our country. If we achieve energy independence by utilizing our available natural gas supply, we improve America’s stability.

Gasoline and Diesel Are Dirty

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), driving a car using conventional fuels is the single most polluting thing we do. Motor vehicles emit billions of tons of pollutants into the air each year. In many urban areas, motor vehicles are the single largest contributor to ground-level ozone, a major component of smog. Ground-level ozone is the most serious air pollution problem in the northeast and Mid-Atlantic States - and in the major urban areas of northern and southern California. Vehicles also emit several pollutants classified as toxics, which, according to the EPA, cause as many as 1,500 cases of lung cancer in Los Angeles alone each year. Auto emissions also contribute to the environmental problem of acid rain.

Natural Gas
The Next Generation's Fuel of Choice 

This alternative vehicle fuel is the logical choice because it is abundant, clean-burning and inexpensive. Natural gas (CH4) is also environmentally friendly.

US Natural Gas Vehicles 1850 SW Boxwood Lane

Dallas, OR 97338 

(707) 548-6560

Call US Natural Gas Vehicles for more information

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